The district is among the other areas endowed with gemstone and salt mines. Knowledge to dig and collect salt through local trappings is an inescapable lesson in which visitors are scheduled to study. Its usefulness is derived from a number roles it plays, namely medications of Fungus, Domestic animals foot and mouth diseases, drying up wounds, mixing in animal dishes and animal Skins. The Salt is thereafter transported in Lake Zones, other regions and nearby Countries like Rwanda and Burundi Uganda, Congo DRC and Zimbabwe. Involved in mining activities are scale and artisan mining entities.
In the context of the district, large-scale miners do not exist to cover the extensive exploration works and setup mining infrastructure. In the category of small-scale miners are those groups of skilled or semi-skilled miners working on small but often rich mineral deposable, close to the surface and using hands or applying other low technology methods. Artisan miners are those groups of miners who apply the lowest mining technology and have title regards to hazards related to safety, health and environmental enhancement.
Meatu, Simiyu, Tanzania
Anwani ya Posta: S.L.P 44
Simu: 028 2795 008
Simu ya Mkononi: 0622 404 712
Barua Pepe:
Hakimiliki ©2017 Halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Meatu . Haki Zote Zimehifadhiwa.